“It is wise to direct your anger towards problems – not people, to focus your energies on answers- not excuses.”
William Arthur Ward
Do you know how to problem solve vs blaming and making excuses?
Cognitive Behavioral therapy teaches you to problem solve using questions that will get you factual answers and a direction that helps you move forward.
Questions such as:
Who do you want in your life?
What do you want for your life?
When do you want to begin?
Where will you look for help?
How will you go about accomplishing your goals;
And your plans to move forward.
Anger is a positive emotion if you use it to propel you forward and search for answers. Use anger as an alert that something is amiss in your life. And, then use your Cognitive Behavioral skills to resolve the problem/the issue.
Remember: Anger and fear are closely related. Work to solve problems vs creating problems.
Use Skills.
Change your life to be what you say you want it to be.
You decide.
Learn Cognitive Behavioral Skills to:
Communicate Effectively
Problem Solve
Team Play/Work