“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Buddha
Anger is a helpful emotion if used in a healthy way. Anger alerts me that something is amiss. Ask yourself, “What am I telling myself that is creating this feeling of anger?” No one can make you angry. We know that thoughts come before feelings and anger is a feeling.
Take a deep breath – step back – look at the situation with a clearer view of the events. Ask: “What part did I play in this event? What can I do that might be helpful in this situation? What am I thinking my gain may be in behaving rudely and blaming? What might my gain be if I change my behavior and acknowledge my part of the event?” Knowing that everything I think is based on my interpretation of the event.
Are you willing to do something to create a more problem-solving situation vs arguing and blaming? Show me the level of your anger and I can tell you the depth of your fear. What is you fear?
Do you know how to “problem solve” effectively? That is a skill that all humans need to live healthier and happier. Are you willing to learn skills to stop creating so much chaos in your life? When are you willing to begin the process of changing yourself – knowing you can change only you – no one else.
The key is to learn the Skills to interpret any event with logical thinking as you stay in the present moment and problem solve. Learning how to Communicate Effectively, Problem Solve, and Team Play are all Skills that are needed in everyday life to be calm, confident and peaceful.
Learn Cognitive Behavioral Skills and use them daily to make the changes that will create the life you want. A life of calmness, confidence and peace. Changing is a Choice.
Remember: You get to decide how you Think – feel – Behave.
Learn Cognitive Behavioral Skills to:
Communicate Effectively
Problem Solve
Team Play/Work