“The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.” Marcus Aurelius

Stress is not always easy to identify. There are cognitive signs such as difficulty concentrating, worrying, anxiety and even remembering. Emotional signs may be anger, irritation, fearful or just moody. Physical signs may be high blood pressure, headaches, muscle tension, changes in weight, frequent infections, digestive issues and many other issues.

Behavioral signs may be not making time for the things you enjoy, relying on drugs to cope, even poor physical self-care.

There are many areas of our lives where we may experience stress; our job, relationships, finances, family, health, politics, even the order of our community/state/nation/world.

Stress and anxiety are often considered the same. However, in many instances, stress is caused by external events. Anxiety is caused by your internal reaction to stress. Stress may decrease or go away when the threat or the situation is resolved; however, anxiety may persist even after the stressor is gone.

Remember: Thoughts lead to feeling – that lead to outward behaviors. Stop and take a clear view of the situation and then decide how to handle the issue in a wise and beneficial direction. Sometimes we may need to step back and wait a few days to make a major decision. Evaluate the pros and cons of your decision – how will your decision impact you and others that you care about.

“Most people are so absorbed in the contemplation of the outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing on within themselves.” Nikola Tesla
Learn Skills to calm your thinking and make clear and wise decisions. Remember: Thoughts lead to feelings that lead to Behaviors.

Learn Cognitive Behavioral Skills to:
Communicate Effectively
Problem Solve
Team Play/Work